Water Quality Update

Note that since 2011, the MECP (Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks) lab results have regularly exceeded the safe drinking level 1.5 µg/L, but they have NOT exceeded the Ontario safe recreational water level 20 µg/L. Swimming and other water sport activities should be avoided in areas where the blue-green algae bloom is visible.  Past history shows that sample results from separate locations can be very different.

Watersheds Canada – Lake Protection Workbook for Shoreline Property Owners

Check out the “Lake Protection Workbook: A Self-Assessment Tool for Shoreline Property Owners”. Diagnose any shoreline property problems, and see how you can help your shoreline. You can download an online copy for free, or contact us for a physical copy for $1.50. Printing funded by Watersheds Canada and the Daniel and Susan Gottlieb Foundation.

Muskoka Watershed Climate Change Presentation
