Family Fishing Derby
Three Mile Lake Family Fishing Derby Rules and Regulations.
The 2024 Family Fishing Derby is scheduled for July 6th. This weekend is designated as a license-free fishing weekend by the province. Please note; that if you are fishing without a license you must abide by the Conservation class of license which means reduced possession and catch limits. This derby supports catch and release conservative fishing.
Email questions and inquiries to
Below are links to various Ministry websites containing all the information you need for fishing.
Ontario Sport Fishing Regulations:
Fishing Limits, size restrictions and catch and release details:
Zone 15 Regulations (Three Mile Lake – species possession limits and slot sizes):
Marine Transport: Boating Regulations:
Official Rules and Regulations:
Please use common sense and courtesy and respect for others and your surroundings. Below are the “official rules” for you.
1.) All participants must adhere to the Ontario Fishing Regulations; including all limits and size restrictions for Zone 15
2.). All participants must adhere to the Canada Boating regulations.
3.) All participants must register before fishing. Registration is closed at 8 AM on July 6th. Click here to Register: Register to Fish.
4.) The maximum allowable anglers per registered boat is 4.
5.) The Fishing Derby officially runs from 8 AM-12 PM Saturday, July 6th, 2024
6.) The Official photo-in for the derby closes at 2 PM. Email your catch, full name and boat name to:
7.) The entire waterbody of Three Mile Lake, mouths of tributaries and up to the rapids at the commencement of the Dee River are eligible to fish.
8.) Observe and respect other people around you.
9.) Observe and respect private property.
10.) Alcohol or controlled substances are NOT allowed at this event.
11.) One fishing pole per angler.
12.) All fish caught must be photographed with a legible measuring device clearly showing the fish’s overall length. The measuring device must be fully visible (no obscured numbers). The photograph must be date and time-stamped. Photographs must be submitted to be eligible to win. Submit your entry to
13.) The Three Mile Lake Family Fishing Derby promotes Catch & Release for the derby. However, you may keep your catch for consumption, but you must adhere to the slot size and daily catch limit for Zone 15.
14.) Fish must be caught using hook and line, rod and reel that meets the provincial fishing regulations.
15.) The biggest fish will be determined by overall length. To find the length of a fish; measure from the tip of the mouth with the jaws closed to the tip of the tail. Compress the tail fin lobes to give the maximum possible length.
16.) All ties are subject to a random drawing.
17.) All prizes must be accepted as awarded and have no other surrender value.
18.) All decisions made by event coordinators are final.
19.) The participant agrees to abide by the Official Rules and Regulations of Three Mile Lake Family Fishing Derby and agrees that failure to comply with any of the rules will result in automatic disqualification, forfeiture of all prizes, recognition as a prize winner and the right to enter any future Derby. Derby reserves the right to deny participation in Derby to anyone, including anyone who has been disqualified in any other derby in the United States or Canada.
20.) It is a family event so have fun!
21.) Each participant, upon registering to participate in the Three Mile Lake Family Fishing Derby, agrees to hold the sponsors, organizers, and event volunteers harmless from any liability of any nature and kind for any injuries and or damages suffered during or after the period of the Three Mile Lake Family Fishing Derby.
22.) There is no minimum age for participants, however, all minors must be with a parent or a guardian at all times during the event.
23.) All participants agree to give the Three Mile Lake Family Fishing Derby full rights for promotional or commercial purposes of their likeness in any photograph and or video taken during the Three Mile Lake Family Fishing Derby.
24.) Participants agree to abide by the Official Rules and Regulations and agree that failure to comply with any of the rules will result in automatic disqualification and forfeiture of all prizes/recognition as a prizewinner.
25.) The organizers reserve the right to amend, add to, remove, or otherwise change any of the rules and regulations for this contest without prior notice if they deem it in the best interest of all parties involved in the derby.