Canada Day Boat Parade

June 30, 2024 - 12:00 pm Location: Shea Boat Launch

Ahoy all Three Mile Lake boaters!
The Annual Canada Day Boat Parade is back!
Decorate your boat with a festive Canada Day theme
Prizes will be awarded for the best decorated, innovative boat.
Rescheduled due to Weather
WHEN: Sat June 29th at 12:00 noon Sunday, June 30th at 12 noon
WHERE: Judging and Parade start at the Shea Boat Launch
HOW: We will head in a counterclockwise direction West
Canoe, Kayak, Motorboat, bathtub, Pontoon…If It floats…it qualifies for votes!
All parade participants are encouraged to observe good boating etiquette, no wake and no closer than 100 feet from shore!